Winning is Fun, but it's also Dangerous
I don't think we win so that we can learn. I think we win so that we can have greater hope.

But hope that is based on winning can be dangerous. Our hope should not rest in our ability to accomplish everything we set out to accomplish. It should be based on the faith God's word gives us. We succeed when we follow Him. We win as we set aside our own ideas and adopt God's ways. 

The danger lies in achievement that we misinterpret. When success comes only because of our strength and our decisions, we are missing the point. Someone taught you the lessons that led you to successful decisions. 

No doubt you have a hand in your wins. Just don't come to the conclusion that your strength is all you need.

I'm Jason Sparks and I empower men aged 30-45 to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors and find purpose through a holistic approach to personal development, integrating spiritual growth, career stability, and natural healing methods. Join me on Facebook for free. JOIN 


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